Chameleon Woman front view, ceramic sculpture by Philomena Harmsworth

Chameleon Woman right view, ceramic sculpture by Philomena Harmsworth Chameleon Woman left view, ceramic sculpture by Philomena HarmsworthChameleon Woman back view, ceramic sculpture by Philomena Harmsworth











As a painter of twenty five years I have moved to East Sussex and discovered pottery. Last year the paintings were literally starting to leave the surface of the canvas and after a short pottery course I realised, with utter delight, that so many of my paintings were actually supposed to have been pots all along! This is a baffling concept as I realised that some of the pots I make are also supposed to be paintings!

The Many Vesseled Women are literally female figurines made up of domestic vessels – traditionally hand-thrown bowls, vases. The compilations are then sketched upon, often directly from life to give it that immediate freshness of first hand insight. They have a dichotomy of traditionally produced domestic ware with a surreal decorative element. I call these 3D paintings.

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