After a 25 year obsession with working in oils, hunting for the deepest version of the narrative plot, my paintings physically started to leave the canvas. Cutting them out I incorporated them into experimental models that provided the foundation for my current practice.
I started writing poetry alongside sculpting which is part of the dual narrative of my final piece (click on both images for videos). I juxtapose the visual and spoken like two ribbons undulating alongside each other but not always in complete accord. My exhibitions are creeping into the world of installation.
Either I am creating portraits of the land personified, or externalising my emotional responses into beings.
Latest News
Newhaven Open Call
Jelila is in Newhaven Newhaven Open Call, a democratic exhibition featuring over 200 artists that celebrates everyone’s creativity through contemporary art. It is an is an artist led initiative read more on their website Exhibition runs 23 August - 8 September, open...
Dismantle for Flow
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Encounters Art Space “Voices of Colours”
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