Gentle Arrival

ceramic figurine, Gentle Arrival by artist Philomena Harmsworth

ceramic figurine, Gentle Arrival by artist Philomena Harmsworth  ceramic figurine, Gentle Arrival by artist Philomena Harmsworth                                                                                     ceramic figurine, Gentle Arrival by artist Philomena Harmsworth   ceramic figurine, Gentle Arrival by artist Philomena Harmsworth                                                                                     ceramic figurine, Gentle Arrival by artist Philomena Harmsworth  ceramic figurine, Gentle Arrival by artist Philomena Harmsworth



Gentle Arrival is a flowing apparition posing as a formal candelabrum. The billowous extremities seem to float on an imaginary breeze. The human appearance of a face and body anchor the candelabra with unusual weight as nudity of this beauty normally affiliates ethereal vulnerability.

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